Traducción en español

  1. Why have a website?
    1. Profit
    2. Communication
    3. Publicity / Marketing
    4. Efficiency

  2. Audience & Traffic
    1. Web Traffic & Audience Share Basics
    2. How do you get seen by your target audience?
    3. How do you interact with your customers?

  3. Security & Privacy
    1. Push Vs. Pull
    2. What can be secured?
    3. How long can it be secured?
    4. Liability of making security claims

Why have a website?

The number one reason why most businesses have a website is to generate a profit. However, this goal is often lost in its own web of aesthetics and emotion. Why do you have a website? Is it to make more money then you spend?

No matter what other objectives you may have in being a publisher of a website, try not to lose sight of your goal.

While trying to achieve the goal of greater profitability, many organizations are also able to:

These positive side-effects should be part of a business synergy. Does your overall internet plan incorporate these concepts?

Audience & Traffic

Is anyone responsible for generating an audience and directing qualified traffic to your website? Is there a person with expertise in analyzing the resulting sales activities and other crucial success elements? Unfortunately, most companies do not have the budget or qualified personnel necessary to fulfill this job in-house.

Luckily, some web hosting companies are able to provide these services at a reasonable cost. For instance, businesses located on these webservers reach multi-millions of viewers per month. It would be very difficult for any one of them to achieve this on their own. Because these websites were created in 1994 and meticulously cultivated for traffic management, it is possible for even small businesses to reap the benefits.

One of the most amazing observations in our experience isn't about the internet traffic. As we are the largest internet publisher, neither the size of audience, nor lack of traffic has ever been a problem. It is what happens when a business starts to receive this traffic to its website. Is anyone paying attention? Does anyone try to communicate with your viewers? Should someone be trying to turn the viewers into your customers?

The internet is an interactive medium -- are you interacting?

More information on the basics of web traffic and audience share

Security & Privacy

If you don't have any traffic, then you needn't worry much about security and privacy. If you do have traffic, or plan on generating traffic, then security and privacy are concerns. Far too many companies sacrifice their goal of profitability by inadequate forecasting of their security needs.

There are at least two areas to be scrutinized:

Can your website be seen with your webbrowser's security settings on high? If you publish a website, you are a publisher. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities to your viewers. A basic and crucial element of internet publishing is Push vs. Pull technologies.

Since push technologies are much riskier, businesses should comprehend the risks prior to pushing content on their viewers. Examples of push technologies include -- Java, Java Script and Flash.

Within the first day of our publishing operations, information about viewership started pouring in. We understood the severe consequences that might result from our behavior. In particular, we realized it was our responsibility to take precautions to protect against the misuse of that information.

We also knew that a reasonable person would not want to endanger any other individual when it came to consumer privacy and security. In particular, we made policy decisions on "push" verses "pull." That is to say -- if someone comes to one of our servers, we would attempt to:

Once information is collected from viewers, they have become your customer. The methods used to collect, store and distribute this information are your responsibility. Are you going to make claims about your security and/or privacy on your website?

What can be secured over the internet? To the best of our knowledge, there is no "secure" internet transaction. Making claims to your website's security should be made very cautiously. For instance, many people think the little key in the web browser will tell if you are making a secure transaction. This is a misconception that may lead your company to greater liability. Do you know how long a "secure" webbrowser transaction lasts? The fact of the matter is, the little key on the web browser will only tell if the information being sent is encrypted for the several milliseconds it takes to transmit. (If it is a credit card transaction, these milliseconds are already protected against fraud from most credit card companies.) But, what about the millions of other milliseconds that the information is under your care?

During 1994 and 1995, we developed the first world wide web shopping cart. Working with companies like MasterCard, Visa and FirstData, we've attempted to create secure credit card and e-commerce transactions. No one can guarantee absolute security, over the internet or otherwise. We have, however, developed policies and procedures for use of the internet, that directly resulted in billions of dollars of fraud free internet commerce for our clients. So, instead of asking if internet transactions are secure, a better question might be -- "How secure are my internet transactions and communications?"

If you're wondering about whether or not you're making secure transactions with your credit cards when you shop online, make sure to use credit cards with encryption technology that you know you can trust. Whether you choose a balance transfer card or one of the better airline credit cards, be safe and select a card from the most trusted credit card issuers available.

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More Information On:

web based advertising
Basic Business Security
Push Vs. Pull Technologies

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