
Improving the Demand for an Existing Product or Service You Supply

When most people think of marketing, they think of advertising. Since this is a simple approach to marketing, it might be a good place to get started.

The part of marketing that is advertising involves delivering a commercial message through a medium (media) to an audience. In our instance, we use one of the largest privately owned media content collections to deliver your message to one of the world's largest audiences. From this beginning, we have attempted to interact with the audience while not violating their human rights, such as, privacy and security. After reaching out to everyone, we narrow the focus for your target market. Usually this involves:

  • assisting you with the commercial message (creating ad copy, considering intellectual property rights, etc.)
  • leveraging the Internet as the medium
  • and, delivering the message to a target market

The purpose of advertising is usually to persuade potential customers to purchase (or consume) more of your product or service. Advertising can also be used to increase brand recognition and brand loyalty.

The Beauty of the Internet
One of the beauties of the Internet, is that advertising can be interactive. Way back when advertising started, it was primarily done through word-of-mouth. The advantage of this is that the audience can interact with you through the delivery medium. For instance, an audience member can ask questions like, "Where can I buy it and how can I pay for it?" The disadvantage is that time management strictly limits the number of members in the audience.

As mass marketing evolved, word-of-mouth became less effective. The advantage of mass marketing is the vast numbers in the audience. Instead of delivering a message to a few individuals or a crowd of dozens, the message is delivered to thousands or millions of people. The disadvantage is most mass marketing is a one-way street -- an advertiser pushes there message onto the audience.

The beauty of advertising through mediums such as the world wide web is that you get the best of both worlds, while you get the disadvantage of neither. An advertiser can interact with a mass audience and not be heavily burdened by the restrictions of time management.