Impact Technology, Inc. is blazing new trails in the audio market. We would be remiss if we didn't share that news with you. Below are the latest news blurbs, articles and reviews of the Impact Technology line.
Upcoming Shows
HE2002 Show in NYC
Impact Technology, Balanced Audio Technology, Cardas Audio, and retailer Audio Video Creations of San Francisco are pleased to announce the world debut of the Impact Technology Airfoil Model 3 at The Home Entertainment 2002 Show. Demonstrating with a BAT VK-75SE Amplifier, a VK-50SE preamplifier and a VK-D5SE CD player, [all] Cardas Golden Reference cabling and Grand Prix Racing stands and racks, this two channel system is certain to be [both] a treat for the eyes and the ears of the discriminating music lover.
The new Airfoil 3 loudspeaker ($12,500), built on the strengths of the acclaimed full range Airfoil 5.2 system, uses four patented and Impact manufactured bending wave drivers per speaker. The array is coupled to two 8" dynamic bass drivers in a unique reflection-free Helix line loaded cabinet. This forms a very attractive room friendly two piece loudspeaker system
Said Mark Conti of Impact Technology; "After the success of the Airfoil 5.2 at last years Stereophile Show, 2002 CES and with dealers and with the audio press, we are terribly excited about the introduction of the new more affordable Model 3 loudspeaker system. This new product highlights the sonic qualities of our Airfoil driver and expands the Airfoil concept to a wider range of room sizes and budgets. The Airfoil 3 has the ability to captivate the listener with music that is realistic and involving.
Reviews & Comments
Standout Room
Impact Technology showed its top-of-the-line Airfoil 5.2 ($35,000) speaker system in one of the rooms at the Alexis Park large enough to accommodate such an elaborate two-channel setup. The Airfoil 5.2 consists of two towers that employ nine bending-wave drivers each, two powered subwoofers with 1000W amps, and a DC-powered crossover that can double as a preamp. Electronics were from Balanced Audio Technology -- VK-D5SE CD player, VK-50SE preamp, and VK-150SE mono amps. Acoustic Zen provided interconnects and speaker cables, while Shunyata Research products handled the power duties. The sound? Very spacious and delicate, but with plenty of drive and low-end power too.
2002 Jimmy Awards
Secondly, the people who demonstrated were unusually gracious about my noisy conduct. If the hacking persisted, I headed for the door, but almost everyone asked me to stay or at least come back. Regarding human frailties, CES 2002 seemed a kinder, gentler Show than years past when even a loud whisper could get one banished from a room. For their hospitality, I would especially like to thank David Wilson and his Wilson Audio team, Terry Combs of Viva , and Lawrence Blair and the people at Impact Technology who went out of their way to ask after my well-being, holding up proceedings until I recovered.
Now the award process gets tough. There were three big loudspeaker models that impressed me for different reasons. Given that they were so similar in price, I cant choose just one. The 7 Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams ($30,000) threw the most expansive soundfield (with tweeters on the outside). The German-made Acapella Audio Arts Companile ($32,000) was the most dynamic. The Impact Technology Airfoil 5.2 ($35,000) provided the most lifelike density of image. I found myself returning to the host rooms several times to see if I could declare a clear winner. Couldnt do it. Therefore, I am going to risk devaluation by awarding a Jimmy to each of the three manufacturers.
Dave Glakin C.E.S. 2002 Show Report
The Best New Large Speaker was from Impact Technology Ltd. Upon first seeing the Airfoil 5.2 loudspeaker, I immediately was reminded of the Linaeum driver. It turns out that Paul Paddock, the designer of the Linaeum driver, also designed the "bending wave transducer" for the Impact. This speaker is a beautifully crafted line source tower, covering 170 Hz and up, resting on a woofer enclosure. This system was being demonstrated in one of the largest rooms in the show, and had excellent transparency, neutrality, inner detail, and delicacy, coupled with great bass and a stunning soundstage. This system produced one of the best sounds in the show, and it was one of the very few that stood up to my end-of-show second pass after everything else was put into perspective. Contributing to the outstanding sound in this room were cables from Robert Lee of Acoustic Zen Technologies, who from long ago I have come to know as one of the most dedicated and discerning practitioners of the audio arts I have ever had the pleasure to meet.
What Stereotimes had to say in 2000.
"The Vento 2000 is highly recommended for the enthusiast who appreciates fine sound. They are easy to setup and will sound good in living spaces that are less than ideal acoustically
"They capture the gestalt of each singer in a way that I've not heard in my system before. One can hear the distinctive qualities or personalities of each voice clearly."
"If you like a natural, acoustic, ambient sound and listen mostly to classical material, you'll be smiling long and hard with these speakers."
Show Report HE2001 enjoythemusic.com
Two Southern "Boys" On the Loose at The Home Entertainment Show 201
by Rufus Smith
Across the hall from the Niro room, was the room occupied by high-end newcomer Impact Technology. On display was the company's statement product, the Airfoil 5.2. The Airfoil is approximately six feet tall with nine elements, mounted on two bases that contain two small woofers that operate in the 80Hz to 160Hz range. The system also utilizes two powered subwoofers that contain two 12-inch woofers per side. The internal edge of the Airfoil is an irregular curve containing nine drivers that resemble a bent ribbon. The curved portion of the tower provides 150-degree horizontal dispersion for all frequencies above 160Hz. While I can't say I understood Impact Technology's Vice President of Marketing, Lawrence Blair's explanation of how it works, it is one of the most natural sounding speakers I have ever heard. The Airfoil produced an image that remained rock solid no matter where I was in the room. This system was one of the few systems I heard at the show that received praise from everyone I talked with.
All the Vermeers in New York: A Fractured View of The Home Entertainment 2001 Show
by Clark Johnsen
The next room happens to sound even better in the bass, and without benefit of Aurios, although the midrange is less clear, but still not too shoddy overall! Impact Technology's patented subwoofer design requires only 3/8 inch sidewalls and weighs only 50 pounds, power amp included. Very, very impressive at $2000 each. The tall, handsome main cabinets contain side-facing Airfoil transducers series-crossed with six-inch dynamic drivers below for the bass transition. The entire system retails for a cool $35,000. (A $22,000 version is in the works, Mark Conti says.) The towers are driven here by ever-reliable Plinius electronics. Later I shall send many friends up to hear this.
Stereophile Web Site: HE 2001 Show News
Great Sound, Cool Designs Abound at HE2001, 5/13/2001
Special praise must also be showered upon Impact Technology, a relative newcomer to the high-end audio field, but whose efforts here presage great things to come. The four-year-old Ambler, PAbased company had an incredible loudspeaker system on display in suite 4239, which was cosponsored by Avalon Audio Video and Harmonic Technology. It's been a long time since I got choked up during an audio demo at one of these shows, but hearing Sonny Rollins' soulful rendition of "What a Difference a Day Makes" through the Airfoil 5.2 literally brought tears to my eyes. The systemtwo nine element towers, two "coupling woofer bases," two "Dual 12" powered subwoofers, and one electronic controller, with Plinius disc player, preamp, and power ampoffered something nearer to real music than anything I've heard at the Hilton so far. (No, I hadn't had the opportunity to attend any of the live events, to my regret.)
The external surface of the Airfoil towers is an irregular curvehence the nameand contained therein is a line of nine "bending wave drivers" that superficially resembles a ribbon element. Set up here, they are oriented to face each othera seeming violation of one of the most fundamental audiophile principlesyet they launch an immensely realistic waveform toward the listener. The combination of the drivers (invented by Paul Paddock, of Portland, OR, an Impact Tech partner) and the curved towers results in a 150-degree horizontal dispersion pattern for all frequencies above 160Hz. "Room-filling sound" doesn't begin to describe what the Airfoil does: create a natural, believable acoustic that continues to image even if people are standing directly between you and the loudspeakers, an effect for which I have no ready explanation.
Below each tower is a "coupling bass" enclosure that houses two small woofers, operating in the 80Hz-160Hz octave. The subwoofers, housed in lightweight cylindrical cabinets, handle low bass duties, of course. "The subs' walls are only 3/8" thick," said Impact Technology president Mark Conti, "but you can put your hand on it and you won't feel a bit of vibration." The entire Airfoil system is rigidly built, but so lightweight that "it's all UPS-able," as Conti put it. Impact Technology doesn't believe that High End means Heavy Weight.
The Airfoil 5.2 system seems a remarkable bargain at $35k. The company makes three other systems that step down in complexity and price, bottoming out at $22,000 for the Airfoil 4.1. Stereophile's Brian Damkroger has already requested the 5.2 for review, said Impact marketing v.p. Lawrence Blair. My bet is that Brian will fall in love with this system the way I have. I doubt I'll encounter anything better during the show's remaining day
And an Update from 5/14: HE2001; Many Paths to Sonic Bliss
For far less money, one could order up the Airfoil 5.2 speaker system from Impact Technology. This stunner knocked me out on Saturday, and was not surpassed by anything I heard on Sunday. In hallway discussions late Sunday, both Ray Kimber and Bob Deutsch mentioned that they, too, had been mightily impressed by the AirfoilKimber, by the technological leap, as well as the sound; Deutsch, by the sheer musicality. (Over to you, Brian Damkroger .. .)
A full review of the Airfoil 5.2 system will be in the June issue of Stereophile magazine.